Color psychology.


Today we are going to talk about a very interesting subject that arouses the curiosity of entrepreneurs when creating the visual identity of their brand, however few know the importance of colors in the use of brands and all the materials that surround it.


It is very common to see colors being used so that a brand’s logo and visual identity is remembered by our brain. However in addition to creating identification and association we also have to worry about how the color chosen to be used in campaigns, websites and brand advertisements will impact the consumer. When we talk about marketing and business strategies for this new era, every implicit detail is very important!


“If a good color sells, the right color sells better!”


Understanding the psychology of colors is fundamental to the success of a company, as they have great influence on people’s minds and sensations and depending on the color used in their ads and visual identity, it can cause positive or negative results in the public. That is why it is important to stimulate your consumer with the right color for your business.



For you to understand how the use of colors are so important, especially for brands, Coca-Cola red is a specific color and patented by the brand as well as Ferrari red, if another company makes advertisements or visual identity using that shade it can take a lawsuit. As was the case with Barbie, who has her pink rose registered in more than 100 different categories by Mattel. When MCA used the color on the cover of the CD that contained the song “Barbie Girl” the company received a lawsuit from the brand for using its patented color.


Come with us and learn more about the psychology of each color and how it came about.


What is color psychology?

Color psychology is the study that seeks to understand the way that our brain identifies and associates colors with our sensations, analyzing how each one has an effect on people, such as changes in emotions, feelings, desires and much more.


How did color psychology come about?

The German Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe who created the “Theory of Color”. According to the scientist, color depends not only on light and the environment, but also on our perception of the object. The identification of tones is subjective, but the effects of colors are universal. Warm colors like red, yellow and orange are dynamic and stimulating. Cold colors (blue, purple and green) have soothing properties, are soft and static.


How can colors affect a business?

Even though they know the importance of colors for a business, many entrepreneurs do not give priority and relevance to this very rich detail in branding strategies.


There is no lack of data to show how important color choice is for a brand, see, according to Neil Patel, color represents 85% of the reason why you bought a specific product. And even if it seems like an exaggeration, I ask you: When did you buy a shirt in a color that you don’t like or that you don’t feel comfortable wearing in your day to day? Of course, in this case we are talking about the taste and personality of each one, but it is just to illustrate how color is unconditionally involved in our purchase decision. Surveys state that 93% of consumers consider that visual appearance is the factor that most contributes to the final purchase decision.

So don’t forget the color psychology for your projects, the wrong choice can lead to a bad positioning and consequently bad results.

Remembering that each color and its different shades can present positive and negative characteristics in the same color.


Psychology of each color

-Red: it has the ability to stimulate the human body, causing it to increase in blood pressure and the number of heartbeats. It is a color used to convey the feeling of high intensity and confidence. Other related emotions: anger, passion, heat, danger, violence, excitement.



-Yellow: it is considered the color of optimism and energy. It also has the ability to stimulate people’s concentration and intellect. Another sensation associated with this color is that of comfort and happiness. Among some of the feelings like: wisdom, joy, optimism, idealism, illness, cowardice.



-Orange: conveys the idea of movement, excitement and desire for action. The color psychology attributes the feeling of joy, sociability and animation to orange. Among other feelings such as: humor, energy, extravagance, enthusiasm, friendliness.



-Purple: acts directly on the brain area aimed at creativity, promoting a stimulus for the solution of creative blocks. The feeling of calm and tranquility are also related to purple. For this reason, various spiritual and faith-related themes are represented in this color. It still represents the image of success, nobility and wealth. Among other relationships, emphasis on: mystery, wisdom, arrogance, intimacy and eroticism.



-Blue: conveys the idea of calm, serenity and tranquility. For this reason, it is usually used to represent professionalism, stability and security. Other related emotions are: loyalty, tranquility, harmony, trust, cleanliness, cold.



-Green: it is associated with health, vitality, nature and fertility. For psychologists, this color has the ability to calm people and relieve stress. Other feelings: hope, pride, good luck, youth, generosity, jealousy.



-Pink: conveys the feeling of innovation and differentiation, arousing the public’s desire and attention to know something new. It causes a positive and motivating effect.


It is important to make it clear that the information received and understood by the brain can vary from person to person, so the perception and sensation of the chosen color can be subjective in certain occasions. So when we talk about color psychology applied in marketing, we understand that colors impact people in different ways, so it is recommended that tests be done to find out which shade and color bring positive responses and with an increase in conversion rates.



Start right now, talk to your audience and find out what are the shades that awaken positive feelings and characteristic of your business.

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